
How To Hire Help In Japan?

how to hire help in japan

Here’s a guide on how to hire help in Japan. This comprehensive guide will empower you to navigate the process seamlessly, from understanding eligibility requirements to selecting the right helper and establishing a harmonious working relationship.

In the bustling metropolis of Japan, where life moves at a rapid pace, the demand for domestic assistance has become increasingly evident. 

Whether it’s juggling work and family commitments, caring for elderly parents, or simply seeking support in managing daily household tasks, hiring a helper can be a valuable solution for many individuals and families.

Key Takeaways:

  • To sponsor a foreign helper visa, meet eligibility requirements, including annual income and need for assistance.
  • Helpers in Japan include housekeepers, nannies, and personal assistants.
  • Visa application process involves Certificate of Eligibility, documents, submission, interview, and approval.
  • Consider agency for convenience, expertise, matching, background checks, visa assistance, and support.
  • Evaluate skills, experience, communication, personality, cultural fit, references during selection.
  • Establish a clear employment contract outlining duties, compensation, working conditions, and termination.

How To Hire Help In Japan?

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To get started, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility requirements, such as having a minimum annual household income. There are also different types of helpers available, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Once you’ve decided on the type of helper you need, you can start the visa application process. This involves obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility, preparing necessary documents, and submitting the application.

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After the visa is approved and you’ve found the right helper, you’ll need to establish a clear employment contract outlining duties, compensation, and working conditions.

Eligibility Requirements To Sponsor Foreign Helpen in Japan

Before embarking on the journey of hiring a helper in Japan, it’s crucial to understand the eligibility requirements. The Japanese government has established specific criteria for those seeking to sponsor a foreign helper visa. 

Primarily, the sponsor must hold one of the following statuses of residence in Japan:

  • Investor/Business Manager
  • Legal/Accounting Services

Additionally, the sponsor must meet the following conditions:

  • Have an annual household income of at least 10 million yen
  • Have a child under the age of 13 years old
  • Have a spouse who is unable to assist in running the household due to illness or incapacity

Types of Helpers In Japan

The world of domestic assistance encompasses a diverse range of roles, each tailored to meet specific needs and preferences. 

In Japan, the primary types of helpers include:

  • Housekeeper: Responsible for maintaining a clean and organized home, handling chores such as cooking, laundry, and tidying
how to hire help in japan
  • Nanny: Dedicated to providing childcare, including feeding, playing, and engaging with children
  • Personal Assistant: Offering a range of administrative and personal support services, such as scheduling appointments, managing errands, and handling travel arrangements

Related: How To Find A Job In Japan As An Immigrant?

Helper in Japan Visa Application Process 

Securing a helper visa requires a thorough and well-structured application process. 

The key steps involved are:

  1. Obtain a Certificate of Eligibility: This document serves as official approval from the Japanese government to sponsor a foreign helper.
  2. Prepare the Necessary Documents: Gather the required documents, including the application form, passport copies, employment contract, and proof of financial capability.
  3. Submit the Application: Submit the completed application and supporting documents to the local Immigration Bureau.
  4. Attend an Interview: Attend an interview with Immigration officials to clarify the purpose and necessity of hiring a helper.
  5. Receive Visa Approval: Upon successful approval, the helper can apply for a designated activities visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate in their home country.

Hiring a Helper in Japan Through an Agency

For those seeking convenience and expert guidance, hiring a helper through an agency can be a viable option. 

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Reputable agencies offer a range of services, including:

  • Matching candidates based on specific needs and preferences
  • Conducting background checks and verifying credentials
  • Assisting with visa application procedures
  • Providing ongoing support and mediation in case of any issues

Interviewing and Selecting a Helper

Selecting the right helper requires careful consideration and thoughtful evaluation. 

During the interview process, it’s essential to assess the following:

  • Skills and Experience: Evaluate the helper’s qualifications, experience, and ability to perform the required duties.
  • Communication Skills: Assess the helper’s language proficiency and ability to communicate effectively in both Japanese and English.
  • Personality and Cultural Fit: Consider the helper’s personality, cultural background, and compatibility with the family or individual’s values and lifestyle.
  • References: Verify the helper’s references to gain insights into their work ethic, character, and previous employment experiences.

Employment Contract and Working Conditions in Japan

A well-defined employment contract serves as the foundation for a harmonious and legally compliant working relationship. 

The contract should clearly outline the following:

  • Duties and Responsibilities: Clearly define the helper’s specific duties, responsibilities, and work hours.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Specify the helper’s salary, overtime pay, and any additional benefits, such as accommodation or meal allowances.
  • Working Conditions: Outline the working conditions, including rest periods, holidays, and any restrictions or limitations on work activities.
  • Termination Provisions: Establish clear guidelines for termination of the contract, including notice periods and severance packages.

Cultural Considerations

Japan’s rich cultural heritage and unique social norms require a sensitive approach when working with a helper. 

It’s crucial to foster a respectful and culturally inclusive environment by:

  • Understanding Cultural Differences: Acknowledge and respect cultural differences, particularly in communication styles, etiquette, and personal space preferences.
  • Communicating Clearly and Respectfully: Maintain clear and open communication, avoiding assumptions and addressing any concerns directly but respectfully.
  • Encouraging Cultural Exchange: Encourage cultural exchange by sharing local customs, traditions, and language with the helper, fostering a sense of belonging.

Hiring Help In Japan: FAQs

How much does it cost to hire a maid in Japan?

You can expect to pay between ¥200,000 and ¥300,000 per month for a full-time maid in Japan. I have also found that the hourly rate for a maid in Japan is typically between ¥1,500 and ¥2,000 per hour, and the weekly rate is between ¥20,000 and ¥30,000 per week.


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Hiring a helper in Japan can be a rewarding and mutually beneficial experience, providing valuable assistance while enriching lives. By following the outlined guidelines, individuals can navigate the process with confidence, ensuring a successful and harmonious domestic arrangement.

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